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Accreditations & Safety

BRP’s main priority is always the safety of our workforce and the public. This is an absolute essential in our industry and therefore we use the world-leading technology to deliver safety in all areas of our business.

The Latest Health & Safety Software 

BRP uses the established and accredited safety management software myosh, which is ISO certified. 

With a focus on safety, the cloud-based myosh platform assists with the ongoing accountability of workplace safety by integrating hazards and incident reporting alongside investigations, actions and reporting. This software also adapts to language and safety compliance requirements across all industries including energy, mining, logistics, transport, manufacturing, education, and local, state and federal government agencies.

Our Accreditations include:

  • Occupational Health & Safety Management System – AS/NZS 4801 & OHSAS 18001
  • Environmental Management System – ISO 14001
  • Integrated Management System – ISO 9001
  • Quality Policy Statements ISO9001
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